We ask people about their dating experiences on our free trial chat service quite often. Feedback is an important part of not only improving the process but also being aware of what makes gay phone dating so successful. While we have found that communication and honesty often have the biggest impact when it comes to dating over the phone, there are other subtler themes that often come into play. One of them is the creative phenomenon of coming up with interesting dates that you can go on while on the phone with the person you are on the date with.
One simple and fun date that you and your new phone man can enjoy is a morning or afternoon walk. Heading out to get some physical activity and explore the world can be so much more fun when you have someone to talk to during the experience. We recommend using a Bluetooth headset so you do not have to hold the phone while out on your walking date. While walking, you can talk about life, dreams, and goals. You can also talk about things that are beautiful, unique, or interesting that you come across on your walk.
There have even been members that have let us know that they have gone on phone date walks two nearby ice cream shops, and described the amazing ice cream they were eating. We have also heard of people watching TV shows together, or going to a movie at the same time and talking about it over a phone date afterward. If you or your new phone date body share favorite shows, actors, or movies, this can be a great and fun choice.
Another benefit to phone dating is that it works very well for people who are busy. You might not have the time, to drive 1/2 an hour and then wait for 15 minutes while the movie runs trailers. Add to this the length of a movie, and all of the discussion after, and you could be looking at a 3 to 5-hour date. By watching a movie, or TV show, on your own time, or in your own place, you can be much more efficient.
Creative dates are wonderful things. The next step is scheduling a date! Make the call today to find a hot sexy partner to join you on the adventure.